Environment & Golf

Respect and care for the environment are integral to the game of golf. Not only is golf played outdoors, but playing a round of 18 holes implies walking 6 km for about 4½ hours in the countryside. As a result, it is both in the world of golf’s interest and its duty to preserve and improve the natural resources at its disposal.

Golf della Montecchia has been committed to this issue for years. It was one of the first Italian golf clubs to pursue such an important program in order to establish its function as a buffer area between theEuganean Hills Regional Parkand the nearby urban areas. A brief history of the work undertaken by the club follows.


The Club offered to participate in the first survey on Italian golf courses “Gli effetti ambientali delle attività ricreative sul territorio - Il caso del golf in Italia” (The Effects of Leisure Activities on the Environment: the Case of Golf in Italy, ANNEX 1) undertaken by the CNR (National Research Centre) in association with the University of Bologna and the Italian Golf Federation. This study was a milestone for research on the relationship between golf and the environment in Italy for subsequent years.


Golf della Montecchia joined the “Committed to Green” European Environmental Certification Programme. The project began in 1999 with the Valderrama Declaration, an official document signed and approved by leading international golf associations (USGA, EGA, R&A) and environmental associations (The Environmental Commission for the IOC (International Olympic Committee), WWF International, the management team of the United Nations Environment Programme and the European Commission General Directorate for the Environment). Committed to Green’s main objective is to highlight the positive impact that golf can have on the environment and the community, especially when the environment sustainability guidelines are followed. Golf della Montecchia formulated its management policy based on this commitment to safeguard the environment. Initial actions taken by Montecchia:

  • Computer programming of the irrigation system to save water (with more uniform water distribution) and energy (increased pump station efficiency), in addition to reducing the use of chemical products (through a healthier turf grass growing environment)
  • As a member of the Energy and Environment Association, Golf della Montecchia saw an immediate reduction in energy consumption (by 10%) and electricity costs
  • Installation of a timer to ensure that lighting is turned off automatically at a certain time at night
  • Ongoing installation of energy-saving lighting
  • Recycling of waste in the clubhouse, the maintenance facility and on the course
  • Creation of a wash pad for equipment washing
  • Creation of the first wild areas in the more out-of-play areas on the course with benefits for the flora and fauna


Golf della Montecchia participated in the first ornithological research program to be conducted on golf courses in Italy; in particular: “Importanza dei campi da golf per la conservazione delle specie ornitiche in Italia” (The Importance of Golf Courses for the Preservation of Bird Species in Italy, ANNEX 2) presented at XII Ornithological Italian Congress and “Avian diversity on golf courses and surrounding landscapes in Italy”, (ANNEX 3) published in Landscape and Urban Planning magazine.


The club began working with the University of Pisa Certes (Centre for Research on Turfgrass) and the Italian Golf Federation Green Section in order to reduce the use of water and chemical products considerably in turf management and to improve golf course quality. This partnership resulted in the creation of the first experimental warm-season turfgrasses nursery to be built at this latitude in Europe. It also helped to launch research on warm-season turfgrass species, which require less water (up to 50% less than traditional turfgrass species) and chemical use. Important scientific papers were presented at the Fifth World Scientific Congress of Golf in Phoenix, Arizona “Warm Season Turfgrass Adaptation in Europe North of the 45° Parallel” (ANNEX 4)and at the First European Turfgrass Society Conference in Pisa “Warm Season Turfgrass Adaptation in Northern Italy” (ANNEX 5).


The club was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Technical and Scientific Commission of the "Impegnati nel Verde" (Committed to Green) Programme (ANNEX 6). In addition to being its first official recognition, the certificate also acknowledged the club’s achievement of its first environmental objective, encouraging the club to continue its environmental policy:

  • Expansion of wild areas, making the course more natural with an increase of plant and animal species in particular (foxes, hares, coots, herons, egrets and wild ducks)
  • The increase of wild areas through the elimination of cutting and maintenance practices in out-of-play rough areas, which also reduces fuel consumption for maintenance machinery
  • Upgrading of the clubhouse air conditioning system resulting in considerable water and electricity savings
  • Installation of a flow meter in the pump station in order to monitor actual water consumption


Based on the data obtained by the experimental test on warm-season turfgrass species, the club began a turfgrass conversion plan of fairways and tees from cool-season to warm-season turfgrass species. Work started with the establishment of Bermudagrass on the white course fairways, with plans to continue in 2011 and 2012 on the red and yellow courses.

In collaboration with the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and Società Darwin, Golf della Montecchia is participating in ornithological research on a national scale, aimed at identifying the role of golf courses in protecting species at risk of extinction.


Communication on environmental issues was improved by creating a section “Golf and Environment” on the website and placing a notice board in the clubhouse on the topic.
In May, Golf della Montecchia joined GEO (Golf Environment Organisation (www.golfenvironment.org ), an international non-profit and independent organization, with a view to obtaining environmental quality certification.
The club is also applying for the “Impegnati nel Verde”(Committed to Green) Environmental Award in the water class. In September, the results of the “Specie a priorità di conservazione presenti in alcuni campi da golf italiani” (Priority protected species present in certain Italian golf clubs) research were presented at the Sixteenth Italian Ornithologist Conference. The research was started a year earlier by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the Cooperative Society “Darwin” in collaboration with 15 golf clubs, including Golf della Montecchia (ANNEX 7).
The conversion of fairways and tees to Bermudagrass is being continued on the nine holes of the red course. 


The introduction of Bermudagrass on fairways and tees helped to dramatically reduce water, fertilizer and pesticide use. For this achievement, Golf della Montecchia was granted the "Impegnati nel Verde" Environmental Award in the water class (ANNEX 8).

For the same reason, the R&A (Royal and Ancient of St. Andrews) included Golf della Montecchia in its “Case Studies” highlighted at www.randa.org (ANNEX 9).

On 5th June, on the occasion of World Environment Day celebrations, Montecchia was selected by the Italian Golf Federation for its exceptional environmental commitment (ANNEX 10).

During the same year, Golf della Montecchia started three new studies in collaboration with various research institutes:

  • Establishment and winter management of Miniverde Bermudagrass for putting greens in Italy, conducted with Certes of University of Pisa (ANNEX 11)
  • Study of the management and evolution of wild areas in a golf course, developed with the University of Padua (ANNEX 12)
  • In collaboration with the University of Bologna, development of an innovative tree management system for golf courses (ANNEX 13)

As part of the retrofitting work on the maintenance facility, the asbestos roof was removed and replaced with photovoltaic panels.
The club’s environmental management policy was further implemented through “Green purchases”: partial replacement of maintenance equipment with low-consumption machines, replacement of the fleet of electric golf carts with ones equipped with the most energy-efficient batteries, purchase of new golf course furniture made from recycled materials, and creation of golf cart paths using inert materials.


In April, after years of commitment to the environment, Golf della Montecchia was granted the “GEO Certified ecolabel” (ANNEX 14 & 15),the symbol of great golf environments around the world.


In January, Golf della Montecchia was invited to the 25th Conference and Exhibition of STMA (Sport Turf Managers of America) to present the process that led to it implementing its program of conversion of tees and fairways from cool-season grasses to Bermudagrass. Much attention was given to the benefits of Bermudagrass, not only for aesthetic and playing quality, but also for the environment. Indeed, water consumption has been reduced by 70%, fertilizer use by 80% and pesticide use totally eliminated (ANNEX 16).
At the Fourth European Turfgrass Society Conference held in July in Osnabrueck (Germany), Golf della Montecchia presented two scientific papers in collaboration with the University of Pisa and the University of Bologna: “Establishment and winter management of Miniverde Bermudagrass for putting green in Italy” (ANNEX 17) and “Transition from cool-season to warm-season grass: environmental effects in a golf course in the North of Italy” (ANNEX 18).
In the same month, on the occasion of a national amateur golf tournament, Golf della Montecchia joined the Lyoness Greenfinity Foundation (GFF), a non-profit organisation actively involved in environment protection. The purpose was to calculate the footprint of the event and to identify a reforestation project to compensate the CO2 emission, in collaboration with Graz University.
In October, Golf della Montecchia started a new study in collaboration with the University of Turin on the biological control of the fungal pathogen Ophiosphorella spp (Spring Dead Spot).
Also in October, the club received a new international award. On the occasion of the IGTM 2014 (International Golf Travel Market), Golf della Montecchia was nominated for the IAGTO Sustainability Award, recognition reserved for the very best golfing destinations standing out for their environmental commitment, ranking second among over 120 candidate courses.


Beginning 1st January, Golf della Montecchia has made the nine holes of the yellow course available for the first “case study” of the innovative “BIOGOLF” project. This project is supported by the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo (Sport Credit Institute), the Italian Golf Federation and major Italian environmental organizations: Legambiente, Federparchi and Univerde Foundation. The project involves maintaining the golf course without the use of chemicals.
In March, the club participated in the presentation of the hybrid Volkswagen Golf in collaboration with Slovenian car magazine “Plugin Magazine” (ANNEX 19).
The pumping station was completely modernized the same month. Thanks to the frequency modulators on all pumps, the new system improved not only water distribution, but also generated energy savings of about 60% in the first year.
In May, Golf della Montecchia purchased two new machines for mowing the rough, which reduces mowing times and keeps fuel consumption down.
In the same month, seven artificial nests were installed for swallows, an endangered species.
At the IGTM 2015 (International Golf Travel Market), Golf della Montecchia was nominated for the IAGTO Sustainability Award for the second time, recognition reserved for the top golfing destinations standing out for their environmental commitment.
December saw the conclusion of the club’s participation in the European “WATERGOLF” research project, identifying soil moisture monitoring systems to optimize irrigation. A weather station and soil temperature sensors were installed under this project (ANNEX 20).
At the end of the year, an agreement was signed with Radar Meteo and Earth Networks to install a lightning detection antenna with the new “cloud to cloud” system.
The club’s calendar for 2016 was dedicated to the fauna present in the course for promotional purposes (ANNEX 21).


Golf della Montecchia’s commitment was rewarded with the renewal of G.E.O environmental certification on 13th May at the “Montecchia Challenge Open by Lyonness” in the presence of Federal Vice-president Antonio Bozzi and GEO Director Kelli Jerome (ANNEX 22).
The results of the study conducted in collaboration with the Italian Golf Federation and the University of Padua and entitled “Golf course management strategies for improving biodiversity in naturalized roughs” were presented at the Fifth European Turfgrass Society Conference (ANNEX 23).
The “Biogolf” project continues and has received scientific support from the Universities of Bologna, Pisa and Padua. Five studies have been launched:

  • Analysis of the conversion of greens from Agrostis stolonifera to ultradwarf Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon x tranvaalensis cv. Miniverde
  • Technical-economic and environmental comparison between traditional and biological maintenance
  • Effects of the fungal pathogen Ophiosphorella spp on Bermudagrass root systems
  • Bunker edging maintenance without the use of chemicals
  • Path maintenance without the use of chemicals

On 13th June, work began on converting the turfgrass of the greens on the yellow course from Agrostis stolonifera to ultradwarf Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon x tranvaalensis cv. Miniverde. The greens were reopened for play on 18th August.


Within the "BIOGOLF" case study, the University of Bologna launches two new researches:

  • Technical-economic comparison between traditional maintenance and organic maintenance of a golf course
  • Planting of trees and bushes to support the Cynodon dactylon x tranvaalensis cv Miniverde turfgrass

An harrow is tested to keep large-leaf infesting grasses under control, as such tool limits their growth mechanically. To the aim of achieving an optimal management of the bunkers, a new material is employed to stabilize the bed while turfs of Zoysia matrella are planted along the edges. An acidifier is installed to reduce the soil PH and the water consumption and to limit fungal pathogens.
In September, Golf della Montecchia organizes the seminar titled "Organic management of a golf course: the BIOGOLF case study".


To emphasize the importance of our efforts to achieve sustainable turfgrass management here at the Montecchia as well as to encourage the collaboration of all of the members of our golf club, we recently changed the name of one of our golf courses. Our “Yellow Course” is now called “Green Course”.

The “Biogolf Case Study”, which is the first attempt to use entirely sustainable, ecological systems to manage turfgrass, is an ongoing project that was originally launched in January 2015. The project is being carried out in collaboration with the Universities of Bologna, Pisa, Padova and Torino.
Just a few of the researchers, professors, specialists and experts who visited Golf della Montecchia over the past year to see how the transitioning is progressing were:
• Steve Isaac, the Director of Sustainability of the R&A
• Jonathan Smith, the Executive Director of the GEO Foundation for Sustainability
• Enzo Moretto, the Director of Esapolis, the Insect Museum of Padova
• Students of the University of Padova accompanied by Prof. Macolino
• Students of the University of Bologna accompanied by Prof. Minelli
• Students and researchers from Penn State University accompanied by Prof. Peter Landshut
• Jorge Croda, the Turfnet Superintendent of the Year 2017
• Superintendents and Greenkeepers from many Italian golf courses

The study is presently examining:
• The adaptablity of bermuda grass in the context of a Northern Italian climate;
• How to reduce winter damage to bermuda grass by using plant barriers;
• How to optimize the management of bunkers using Zoysia spp. and with the installation of a specific draining porous bonded layer system;
• How to use alternative methods for weed control on the paths;
• How to increase biodiversity in rough areas using Rhinantus alectolorophus (Cockscomb);
• Mechanical methods to selectively control broadleaf weeds;
• Weather data collection methods;
• Experts from Esapolis, Padova’s insect museum, are presently compiling and updating datasets of plant and animal species to facilitate the study of pollinating insects

The “Golf Frassanelle,” the “Terme di Galzignano” and the “Golf della Montecchia”, the three golf courses making up the PlayGolf54 group, have been registered in the “European Charter of Sustainable Tourism” network, an initiative of Federparchi and the Euganean Hills Regional Park and supported by Europarc, a professional network of European protected areas.
Working in partnership with all of its members, the Charter aims to improve the management of protected areas for sustainable tourism

During the 2017 edition of the Venice Open, the Golf della Montecchia and the US Kids Foundation collaborated with the Golf Environment Organisation (G.E.O.) to create the means to certify that a tournament has met the criteria set for an environmentally responsible event.
A year later and thanks to that experience, the 2018 edition of the Venice Open attained the GEO Tournament Certification for its environmental responsibility. It was the first Italian tournament and the first tournament for junior participants in the world to receive the certification

Some of the factors considered important for attaining the certification included:
• The three golf course (Montecchia, Frassanelle e Galzignano) are managed in an environmentally responsible way;
• For the most part, seasonal food products produced by local, biological food companies were utilized;
• Collective transportation was organized whenever possible to reduce CO2 emission;
• Waste and garbage were managed in a responsible way;
• Banners and other materials from precedent editions were reutilized whenever possible;
• There was a fund raising event for a charitable cause;
• The local community was involved in a variety of ways;
• The importance of environmental sustainability was conveyed to the players, to their families, to the public at large, and to the businesses who were involved in setting up the event.

As the human-animal bond is mutually beneficial and increasingly recognized by the scientific community as having a therapeutic effect, we have launched the “Pet Friendly” operation.
The Green Course is equipped with water basins for members who want to spend some quality time with their dog friends while they are playing golf.


• Continuation of the “Biogolf Case Study” project, with the researches below:
- adaptability of ultradwarf bermudagrass to the Northern Italian’s weather (Pisa University).
- cold damage containment for the ultradwarf bermudagrass through the employment of shrub hedges (Bologna University)
- optimization of bunker maintenance using Zoysia matrella in the perimeter and a draining porous bonded layer (Turin University)
- alternative methods to control of weeds onto the car path (Padova University)
- increase of biodiversity in the rough through the employment of Rhinantus alectolorophus (Padova University and Mendell University, Brno)
• Prosecution of the collaboration with Esapolis museum for the project “Operation pollinator” and realization of the 2020 calendar dedicated to insects
• “Insect house” built on the Green Course.
• Prosecution of the study on the arboreal heritage with Bologna University.
• Started the production of the local “Millebuche” honey. 
• Organized and welcomed the ETS’s (European Turfgrass Society) Filed Day in collaboration with Padova University. 
• Organized and welcomed the EGA’s (European Golf Association) Sustainability Group meeting.
• Hosted and organized the USKids Venice Open, a golf event dedicated to Under 18s according to standards of eco-compatibility and in the spirit of environmental sustainability. Actions:
- production and sale of the honey in order to support the initiative “Operation pollinator”
- specific questionnaire for children and family members
- “Open Water” operation, with the delivery of reusable water bottles and the setup of water dispensers all over the golf course
- waste management, with collection of plastic caps for charity purposes
- "Healthy meal" operation, to build personalized menus with preference for local, seasonal and organic food
- organization of shared transports, in order to contain CO2 emissions
- management of the involved courses (Montecchia, Frassanelle e Galzignano) in the spirit of environmental sustainability
- reuse of banners and other equipment, utilized in the previous edition
- fundraising for charitable purposes
- involvement of the local community
- communication and sharing of the environmental sustainability message with young players and their families, visitors and technical partners
• Purchased the “Airject", a machine with innovative technology for soil cultivation. 
• Installed in the golf course an explanatory panel on a sectioned tree.
• Installed other posters on the researches included in the “Biogolf Case Study”.
• Installed in the club house an informative monitor about the photovoltaic plant.
• Installed 2 charge stations for electric cars.
• Replaced the old heating power station with new generation condensing boiler.
• Achieved for the third time the three-year renewal of the GEO Certification. 



The most recent acquisition of the Albarella Golf Links management, has been awarded by the prestigious Impegnati nel Verde environmental recognition in the “Biodiversity” category in light of its activities to promote biodivertisity (the creation of 1.5 hectares of wild areas, nests and shelters for avifauna, efforts to protect the bee-eater birds’ nests located in the bunkers and the management’s declaration of a pet friendly environment).

The 2019 edition of USKids Venice Open was GEO Tournament Certification (a comprehensive sustainability certification)

The 2020 edition of UsKids Venice Open as well took place in accordance with sustainability criteria. Beyond what was already organized for the previous edition, other activities were implemented, these are some of them:

  • Sponsors and technical partners were selected in light of their activities involved in environmental sustainability;

  • Involvement in a charity-related organization promoting the “Protezione Civile” and Civil Protection Department and the creation of a tree found;

  • A plastic free project involving the installation of automatic water dispensers throughout the golf course, distribution of water bottles and recyclable glasses ;

  • Use of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper.

A contract with a new 100% renewable sources electricity supplier was signed (Antenore company) at the beginning of the year.

Collaboration with the Volunteers at the Padua Hospital Association by collecting plastic caps.

A floating Island was installed to protect the nests of coots in the lake near the 9th hole.

The “Operation Pollinator” initiative is ongoing: Miele Millebuche (Thousand Holes Honey) continues to be produced and a second “insect house” has been installed.

Forty-five trees have been planted in the golf course

The renovation of the 27 holes of the golf course not only to improve it technically but most importantly to increase its sustainability is being planned by the European Golf Design.

EGD New logo mod 1

With regard to the “Biogolf Case Study” being carried out on the Green Course, leaves are now collected by a new machine that saves 60% of working hours.

 IMG 0009

A new triplex reel mower and a new bunker rake have been purchased, which allow to reduce power usage through new generation engine.
The greens cultivation have been improved with the purchase of mini tine technology. 

 IMG 9277


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the birth of Golf della Montecchia, a book has been written. In addition to telling the history of the club, the book also describes how it has become part of the territory and landscape.
Thanks to this publication, Golf della Montecchia has been awarded for the third time the environmental recognition "Committed to Green" in the of “Historical, artistic and cultural heritage” category.

FILE 2 Copertina libro 

FILE 2 Copertina libro

Achieved for the third consecutive time the GEO Tournament Certification for the USKids Venice Open 2020 junior tournament.
The delivery took place during the European Master in Crans Montana (CH).

 FILE 4 Venice Open GEO Certified

The 2021 edition of UsKids Venice Open took place in full compliance with the antiCovid19 regulations and, as the previous editions, in accordance with sustainability criteria.
All the actions taken for the previous editions have been carried out and have been improved and others have been done:

  • Operation Pollinator
    production and sale of honey “Miele Millebuche” (Thousand Holes Honey)
    new hives has been installed both in Golf Montecchia and in Golf Frassanelle
    increased the wild area both in in Golf Montecchia and in Golf Frassanelle with specific signs placement
    introduction of new floral species
  • Plastic free project
    installation of automatic water dispensers throughout the golf course
    distribution of water bottles and bamboo tees
    collection of plastic cups
    waste management
  • Fundraising for charity-related organization
    Protezione Civile (Civil Protection Department)
    AVO (Volunteers at Padua Hospital Association)
  • “Healthy meal”operation
    new food and beverage management in Montecchia and Frassanelle in compliance with health and environmental sustainability
    possibility of personalized menus with preference for local, seasonal and organic food
    creation of a organic vegetable garden in Golf Montecchia
    golf car “food&beverage“ fitted out with recycled materials
  • Other actions
    use of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper
    reuse of 80% of banners and other equipment utilized in the previous edition
    unserviceable banners utilized in the previous editions used for other purposes
    sponsors and technical partners selection in light of their activities involved in environmental sustainability
    communication and sharing of the environmental sustainability message with young players and their families, visitors and technical partners
    increased communication on social media and in local and national media
    specific questionnaire for children and family members, staff and volunteers
    1% of the tournament registration fees reserved for the purchase of new trees to be planted on the golf course
Has been launched the “3R initiative” - Reuse Recycle Reduce -, which made it possible to recover waste or disused materials to create several objects useful for the management of the club.  FILE 5 Logo 3R Montecchia
Renewed the partnership with the Veneto Region and the Regional Park of the Euganean Hills project Carta Europea per il Turismo sostenibile (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism).  FILE 7 logo carta europea

Submitted the candidacy for the "Golf Environment Award" presented by S.T.R.I. (Sport Turf Research Institute) and B.I.G.G.A. (British and International Golf Greenkeepers) with the “Operation Pollinator” project. The work was selected together with six other projects from different golf clubs to compete for the final prize, which will take place in March 2022 at the BIGGA Conference Show in Harrogate (UK).

The wood from the pruning of the trees of the golf course was made available to members and collaborators. The related branches were chopped and used in the flower beds as mulching material. 

An organic garden serving the "Montecchia Green" restaurant was created in an unused area close to the turf nursery. Various tastings of garden products are organized at Montecchia green restaurant throughout the year.




Collaboration with local schools (visits to the course, golf lesson), with Padua and Bologna Universities (undergraduate and interns) and with Polish professional schools, which were involved in various projects (logistics, golf course improvement, collaboration with Montecchia Green restaurant, hospitality).

An experimental nursery has been launched in collaboration with Bologna University for an adaptability study of three Bermudagrass cultivars.

 FILE 10 agosto
Funded a local association for the protection of stray cats in the area.  FILE 11


 The 2022 calendar was made of recycled paper, using the photos of the products at km 0 of the organic garden made next to the hole 5 of the White Course  calendario2022
On 25 June 2021, it was launched a study on the adaptability of three Cynodon spp. (Bermudagrass) cultivars thanks to an initiative of Golf della Montecchia in collaboration with the University of Bologna and the Green Section of the Italian Golf Federation.
Promoter of the study Dr. Chiara Ferrari, who after graduating in Agriculture at Padua University and an experience at the University of California, is now attending the Master in "Turfgrass Management and Design" organized by the University of Bologna.
The study is focused on 2 new seeded cultivars of Cynodon dactylon and the hybrid Cynodon (Cynodon dactylon x transvaalensis) Patriot, a cultivar used on the tees and fairways of Golf della Montecchia since 2010.
Golf Environment Award 2022
The Golf della Montecchia has been awarded in Harrogate (UK) by STRI and R&A along with 6 other clubs among over 60 candidates from around the world. Object of the recognition the initiative "Operation Pollinator", a project started a few years ago and aimed at the protection of pollinating insects that due to the progressive disappearance of natural habitats and pollution are constantly decreasing.
Testimonial of the project the "Miele Millebuche”, produced on site thanks to the collaboration with @atelierdelmiele company.
Launched the initiative ”3R - Recicle, Reuse, Reduse” with the aim not only to reduce waste, but also to convey an important message to players and visitors FILE 4

Collected during the year about 90 kg of plastic caps, delivered to the AVO (Association of Hospital Volunteers), an organization engaged in the care of hospital patients. With the proceeds of the donation, wigs were purchased for women in chemotherapy. 

 The bunkers of the 27-hole greens have been renewed, including a restyling project by European Golf Design.
It was adopted the new MAPEI technology, an innovative system that guarantees rapid drainage and collection of water. 
 FILE 8 22
It 'was renewed, for the third time in a row, the GEO Facilty Certification obtained in 2013. FILE 9 222
The international competition US Kids Venice Open, after obtaining for the third time in a row the GEO Tournament Certification, was organized once again according to sustainability criteria. It is the only international tournament for juniors to have achieved this result. FILE 11 22
Launched a study on the sustainability of automatic mowers in collaboration with the company Husqvarna, the Green Section of the Italian Golf Federation and the Universities of Bologna, Pisa and Padua. FILE 13
  FILE 14

Renewed the partnership with the Veneto Region and the Regional Park of the Euganean Hills project Carta Europea per il Turismo sostenibile (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism).

;FILE 15


Golf della Montecchia has been included by the prestigious magazine Today’s Golfer among the ‘100 Best Sustainable Golf Courses’ in Europe. This selection features European golf courses that stand out for their commitment to environmental support. calendario2022
For the fifth consecutive year, the GEO Tournament Environmental Certification has been confirmed for organizing the Venice Open, an international tournament reserved for under-18 players, organized in collaboration with the USKids Foundation. FILE 2
Together with 11 other accommodation facilities and 10 tourism operators, Golf della Montecchia has obtained certification for Phase 2 of the CETS (European Consortium for Sustainable Tourism), which grants the title of “Partner Europarc”. This allows for the promotion of various initiatives through the channels of the organization and Federparchi. FILE 3

The collection of used cellhas been initiated. From March 1st to July 31st, 2023, 7.1 kg of used batteries were collected and delivered to the Ecocentro, resulting in the recovery of 2.2 kg of zinc, 1.8 kg of iron, and 1.8 kg of nickel, in addition to plastic, lead, and magnesium.

At the E.T.S. (European Turfgrass Society) Conference the results of the research project ‘Autonomous and Traditional Mowing in Golf Course Maintenance: A Case Study in Italy’ were presented. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Universities of Pisa, Padua, and Bologna, as well as the Green Section of Italian Golf Federation. FILE 7




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